Things To See & DoTravel

Our Spring Training Baseball Tradition

Another of our long-standing traditions…

Each March, we try to attend at least one day of Major League Baseball’s spring training games.

Spring Training games are played in Florida (Grapefruit League) and Arizona (Cactus League) each year. Usually we drive to all-points Florida to catch the games, but in 2005 we finally made it to Arizona for the first time.

Our Favorite Spring Training Highlights:

  • Seeing the Cleveland Indians (Jim’s favorite team) more times than we can count.We've seen the Cleveland Indians (Jim's favorite!) more than any other team
  • Being able to get up close and personal with the players, the coaches, and even “big” name major leaguers & former coaches who show up unannounced. (We have lots of great close-up photographs!)
Jim enjoying the Spring Training baseball games
  • We actually got front row seats once – right over the Cleveland Indians’ dugout… on Jim’s birthday!
Sometimes we took baseballs & Sharpies for autographs - here Jim's getting Ivan 'Pudge' Rodriguez's autograph
  • Getting Ivan “Pudge” Rodriguez’s autograph at the Texas Rangers / Cincinnati Reds game in 2000.
  • Watching Garth Brooks play for the NY Mets. That was a pretty funny.
Neil and Abby went with us to see the Cubs play in Arizona for Spring Training 2005.