I've finally found the best cheesesteak in Philadelphia, along with a couple of runners-up. If you're looking for the best cheesesteak places in Philly, look no further!
Our baby was born in the U.S. - which makes him an American Citizen automatically and a Canadian Citizen by descent. Before we could get his Canadian Passport, we had to complete the Application For Canadian Citizenship Certificate. Here's how to to it!
Looking for the scariest rides at Disney? I am a lifelong Floridian and Disney ride enthusiast. If you want thrills, check out these 3 scary Disney rides!
What's a female urination device? A pee funnel is a great way for actresses, brides & female outdoor enthusiasts to pee standing up! Don't knock it til you've tried it.
Like fast rides? Or fast cars? Know how many G's you're pulling? My friend is a pro race car driver. Here's what I've learned about gravitational force & its effects on your body.
Asheville, NC & New England states have the most colorful fall scenery. Here are the next best places to see fall foliage in AR, CA, CO, FL, ID, MI, MO, MT, OK, PA, VA, and WY.
Utility poles line our roads. What do you know about the everyday utility pole / electric pole? Like... what are the wires on a telephone pole for? Find out here.
I've spent many years as a "party of one" and traveling solo has its perks when done right. I've put together my best tips for traveling alone - from dining apps where you share meals to ways to make sure you're safe when you travel solo.