Roadtrips & Driving TipsTravel

Unusual Items To Keep In Your Car

DRIVING ODDITY #7: Every Vehicle Needs One Of These

camera-in-car-by-kthreadHere are some oftentimes forgotten — or otherwise overlooked — items that you should ALWAYS keep in your car.

I do…


  • Baby Wipes — Even if you don’t have children, you should keep a supply of these on hand for quick cleanups — like muddy paws, sticky fingers, spilled coffee, etc. Plus, if you’re ever stuck in traffic or waiting on someone, you can pass the time effectively by dusting the dashbord, nooks & crannies with a baby wipe!


  • Dental Floss — (Call me crazy, but at least I don’t SHAVE while I’m driving!). Whether you floss between stoplights, while sitting in rush hour traffic, or as the passenger the next time your husband’s driving you to the movies… you’ll be amazed by the amount of “down time” you spend sitting in your car — when you could be promoting heathy gums.


  • Umbrella — I keep one in my desk drawer at work and one under the seat of each of our vehicles. I never want to get caught should a sudden rainstorm approach.


  • Spare Change — You never know when you’ll need some cash for a quick soda or a snack. If you get in the habit of tossing your change in your car ashtray, it will add up faster than you think.


  • Notepad & Pen — Some of my best ideas come to me when I’m driving to or from work, on the way to the grocery store, after leaving the mall, etc. Then again, I also keep a notepad & pen in the bathroom, by my bed, in the kitchen, and the living room. Hey, I’m an idea person!…


  • Flashlight — Believe it or not there are certain circumstances when you’d wish you had a small pen-light sized flashlight handy, and other times when you need the mac daddy of all flashlights. Play it safe and carry along one of each — large one stays in the trunk. Small one in the glove compartment.


  • Blanket — We are outdoorsy people, so you never know when we’ll happen upon an outdoor festival, a parade, or a sporting event. One thing’s for sure: I’ve always got a clean spot to sit, protection from the elements in the event of light rain, harsh sun or cool breezes.


  • Camera — You may choose to purchase an inexpensive disposable camera, or keep an old film camera from your pre-digital days in your glove compartment, or simply have a pocket-sized digital camera on your person at all times (like a camera phone). Either way, you’ll be ready should you ever be involved in a car accident, or if you happen to spot something else unusual and photo-worthy while you’re out and about.


  • Map — You never know when you might need it! We keep a U.S. map tucked between the front seats, plus a map of the county we live in. It comes in handy for last-minute road trips and to find a quicker route in the event of a traffic accident or something.


  • Coupons — I don’t like to lug around all my grocery store coupons in my purse, so I keep them in a Coupon Caddy inside my car. I keep all my restaurant coupons in there, too.