Things To See & DoTravel

Details of my hectic trip from Michigan to Canada... again.

Traveling down Highway 52 just north of Minot, North Dakota, and south of the U.S./Canada border... you're driving along and all of a sudden you see class years in the form of rocks on the hillsides of Kenmare, North Dakota. Here's the story behind the class rocks.

We saw the following wild animals in the Canadian Rockies... most of them within the Jasper National Park: Porcupine, White-tailed Deer, Coyote, Grey Wolf, Fox, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat, Elk, Woodland Caribou, Black Bear, and Mule Deer.

A summary of the sights & sounds seen at IHRA drag racing events.

Highlights of our roadtrip from Nashville, Tennessee to Edmonton, Alberta Canada... and onto the Canadian Rockies near Calgary.

Check out these great major league baseball pictures from the Chicago Cubs vs Texas Rangers game on June 21, 2007 in Dallas, Texas.

I left The Zoo at Gulf Breeze in the year 2000. It appears that the zoo has been through a number of changes, including a name change to The Zoo Northwest Florida. Here's a trip down memory lane... what the zoo administrators I worked with are up to these days.

Care to take an open cockpit aerobatic flight in a 1940's-era Navy bi-plane?

Who knew the Wizard of Oz would still be so popular today... more than 65 years after it hit the big screen? And, with Halloween just around the corner, October also appears to be the most popular month for Wizard of Oz festivals.