Recently, my husband and I decided to head to a hiking trail near Lake Ontario.
I’ll share highlights from our hike in a moment.
But first, I thought I’d share some tips for hiking in the Autumn months…
Autumn Hiking Tips
Wear sturdy, comfortable hiking boots. You won’t want to end up with blisters halfway through your hike. Especially when hiking long distances, a good-fitting hiking boot is a must. Your hiking boots should have deep tread for good traction.
Dress in layers. This allows you to take off your heavy jacket if the weather turns warm. If the wind comes up, you can always slip the jacket back on.
Take lots of water. If the day is warm, you will need at least one to two liters. If the day is cool, water is still important, but be sure to take along a thermos filled with a hot drink. This will warm you from the inside, and also help you keep well hydrated.
Pack a few snacks. And if you’ll be hiking a long time, then pack a lunch as well. The food you take hiking will help boost your energy level and keep you from tiring easily.
Wear a hat and sunscreen to avoid sunburn. Even though the sun is not as ferocious in Autumn, you can still become sunburned if you’re not adequately protected. A wide-brimmed hat is best for protecting your face against harmful UV rays.
Take hiking rain gear in your backpack. Rain capes are great protection from the wind. Plus, if the weather turns inclement, you’ll stay dry and warm.
Stop for frequent breaks. You should always rest in an area that is sheltered from wind, rain or snow. You can also use your rain cape to stay warm is there is a brisk wind as well. When you continue your hike, remove the rain cape to prevent over-heating. If there is a brisk wind, the cape may be left on if needed.
Keep your eyes on the trail for hiking hazards. One hazard that you might not think of is wet leaves! When leaves are wet, they become slippery and you can easily fall.
Allow enough time to complete your hike before darkness falls. In wooded areas, it can begin to get dark as early as 5 pm in late Autumn. Start your hike early in the morning to avoid being caught in the woods after dark.
Always pack a flashlight. Even if you plan to be back before dark, you never know when an emergency might keep you in the woods longer than expected. Be sure to include a new package of batteries as well.
Make your own hiking survival kit. Unexpected things do happen when hiking; it’s best to be prepared.
Always carry a cell phone. It can be shut off, so your hike won’t be interrupted, but it will come in handy if an emergency arises. The signal from your cell phone alone could help others find you in an emergency!
Though these tips may seem a little extreme for a day hiking trip, they are necessary to ensure your safety and the safety of those who are hiking with you.
In addition, be sure that everyone in your party follows proper hiking etiquette, and have a wonderful day!
More About Our Autumn Hike Around Lake Ontario
We were hoping that the Trumpeter swans would be grouping together on the lake so we could get some photos and enjoy their antics. When we arrived, there was only one swan in the area. We watched it and speculated on why it didn’t have a mate. Trumpeter swans mate for life, so this one’s mate must have died or it was too young to have a mate.
We did see many interesting things while on our hike. Wild currants grew along the path in the midst of wild roses and other wildflowers. Trees were laden from top to bottom with pinecones, indicating that there would not be as much snow as normal, according to folklore. The scenery was magnificent and we certainly enjoyed our view of Lake Ontario and the Niagra Escarpment.
Though the sun was shining brightly, there was a brisk wind on the day we chose for our hike. That didn’t deter us in the least. We had come prepared and enjoyed a comfortable autumn hike by using common sense and outdoor safety rules.