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We saw the following wild animals in the Canadian Rockies... most of them within the Jasper National Park: Porcupine, White-tailed Deer, Coyote, Grey Wolf, Fox, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat, Elk, Woodland Caribou, Black Bear, and Mule Deer.

I left The Zoo at Gulf Breeze in the year 2000. It appears that the zoo has been through a number of changes, including a name change to The Zoo Northwest Florida. Here's a trip down memory lane... what the zoo administrators I worked with are up to these days.

We've always played car games for adults like the 'license plate game' while driving on long trips. Here's everything I know about games to play in the car and how to play them.

This is the actual "Flipper" from the 1996 movie! Today, he resides in the Bahamas and brings joy to thousands of people each year when they come just to swim with him.