Take Baby’s Car Seat On A Plane: How I Made A Car Seat Dolly From A Luggage Cart… A Stroller & Car Seat In One!

I recently flew solo with my 14-month-old son on his first airplane ride. Most airlines let you gate-check strollers & car seats for FREE. Since I knew that I would need a car seat once I arrived at my destination (and I wouldn't be comfortable renting one), I made a portable car seat dolly using a cheap luggage cart! After attaching the car seat to the luggage cart, I could use it like a stroller to get him from the car to the plane AND keep him confined while exploring the airports during layovers.

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How To Drive Down Steep Hills… Without Using Your Brakes!

I've got some downhill driving tips for you that I learned firsthand while driving through the hilly Smoky Mountains recently. I (finally) figured out the proper use of 2 and 1 on my automatic gear shift on this road trip! Learning how to drive downhill without using your brakes -- and using engine braking instead -- will make your mountain driving experience SO much more enjoyable, trust me.

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